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Sorrel Leaf Newsletter #4


Sorrel Leaf Healing Center: Newsletter #4

January, 02024

Hello Friends of Sorrel Leaf Healing Center!

Happy New Year! We are very excited to share updates on our progress in bringing Sorrel Leaf Healing Center, the North Coast’s first crisis residential facility for young people, to the community and our plans for 02024. 

We continue to work with our community volunteers to design novel ways to help young people through mental health crises and into fuller, more meaningful lives. Thank you to all of our volunteers, staff, Board members and supporters for getting us here!

Mobile Response Team

Our Mobile team has been up and running since August 02023. Our incredible team of Clinician Rita and Mental Health Specialists Ashley and Ericka have been traveling anywhere and everywhere in Humboldt County where a young person is in mental health crisis, and have already helped dozens of young people and their families with intensive, short term clinical and social support services. As we hone our role in the community’s mental health ecosystem, we look forward to expanding our work in 02024!

Crisis Residential Planning and Building

2023 saw remarkable progress in our journey to creating the crisis residential facility our community needs and deserves. We received approvals from Eureka City Planning, the Coastal Commission and all the other regulatory agencies needed to get the building up to code and ready for our kids.

Our partners at NorthPoint Consulting and our brilliant architect Julian Berg have designed and engineered such a beautiful container for our work, and we are overjoyed to be working with Tony and Pedro at Pacific Builders to get it built. As I’ve mentioned before, we are honored to host a nesting pair of Bald Eagles on the property, so as soon as their fledglings have left the nest in September 2024 we will break ground and get to work. 

In October we sat in ceremony on the land with many members of our board and team and planted 3 redwood trees on the property, a symbol of our intention to continue helping young people in our community for a long time to come. 


We continue to raise the funds we need to build our center, but as the cost of construction continues to go up, we still need support to fill out our budget. Everything helps, and we are especially looking for large donors who are interested in helping to create a lasting legacy in Humboldt County serving our most vulnerable young people. If you know of anyone who fits this bill, please email Please also consider donating to the project by clicking here: Please help us build Sorrel Leaf!

We’re Hiring! 

We’re excited to announce that we are expanding our team. We are currently looking to hire a Head of Operations and Compliance to oversee the development of the program’s policies and procedures, licensing and compliance, as well as general program development. If you or someone you know has the heart, drive and experience to help us build our program we’d love to hear from you. Here’s the link to the job description: Head of Operations and Compliance 

If you have any questions or suggestions about the center or want to get involved, please reach out to us at Thank you for the outpouring of support and we will continue to be in touch! 

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